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Friday, 14 March 2014 16:27

Walter Mitty, Spectacular Spider-Man, Legend of Hercules 3D, Birdcage & Vice on HBO


We’re closing out the week with a bit of a slow news day here at The Bits, but we do have a new column for you to enjoy...

Our own Bud Elder has turned in a new View from the Cheap SeatsThe Sundance Kid Rides into Town features a good story about a Robert Redford visit to Oklahoma. Bud also talks about some of his favorite books on film, and picks a few great recent catalog DVD and Blu-ray tiles too. Enjoy!

In announcement news today, MGM has set a new Escape from New York (1981) Blu-ray for release on 6/3, along with The Birdcage (1996). We have no other details yet on either, aside from the fact that each will SRP for $19.99. [Read on here...]

Fox has set The Secret Life of Walter Mitty for Blu-ray/DVD Combo and DVD release on 4/15 (SRP $35.99 and $29.98).

Sony has The Spectacular Spider-Man: The Complete Series coming on Blu-ray on 4/22 (SRP $45.99), followed by Bad Country on 4/29 (SRP $30.99).

And Lionsgate will release on The Legend of Hercules 3D on Blu-ray 3D/2D Combo on 4/29.

Don’t forget that the new season of Vice starts tonight on HBO. Check your local listings. Plus the second episode of the new Cosmos runs Sunday night on Fox (last week’s premiere repeats first on Saturday night, in case you missed it).

Here’s a look at the Blu-ray cover artwork for The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, The Spectacular Spider-Man: The Complete Series and The Legend of Hercules 3D...

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (Blu-ray Disc)    The Legend of Hercules 3D (Blu-ray 3d)    The Spectacular Spider-Man: Complete Series (Blu-ray Disc)

Have a great weekend, everyone!

- Bill Hunt