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Tuesday, 01 March 2016 18:26

Quick update: Here’s our review of Mad Max: Fury Road on 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray


[Editor’s Note: Be sure to follow us on Twitter @thedigitalbits @BillHuntBits and on Facebook here and here. And you can help support The Bits by pre-ordering Blu-rays and other items from Amazon through this link.]

All right, there’s not much in the way of news release news to report today, so I’ve got two quick items for you this afternoon…

First, I’ve just posted my in-depth review of Warner’s Mad Max: Fury Road in 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray format. The disc streets today. While it’s not a perfect presentation as far as 4K goes, it does offer a significant visual improvement upon the already excellent Blu-ray edition. Do check it out.  [Read on here…]

Also today, our own Russell Hammond has once again updated the Release Dates & Artwork section with all the latest Blu-ray and DVD cover art, as well as pre-order links. Remember, a portion of anything you order from Amazon after clicking to them through our links goes to help support our work here at The Bits and we surely do appreciate it.

Back tomorrow with more. Stay tuned…

- Bill Hunt (@BillHuntBits)