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Wednesday, 05 February 2014 02:01

Out of the Furnace, Bad Grandpa for just $10, Her & Jack Ryan pre-orders & more…


Morning, folks! We’re getting an early start on today’s news here at The Bits today…

First up here at the site, Dr. Jahnke has checked in this morning with a brand new installment of his Burnt Offerings MOD DVD column running down the latest deep catalog DVD offerings from the Warner Archive Collection and the Sony Choice Collection. There’s some very cool titles in there this time, including NBC’s fascinating and oft-overlooked science fiction title Search: The Complete Series, so do check it out.  [Read on here...]

In announcement news today, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment has set Out of the Furnace for Blu-ray Combo and DVD release on 3/11 (SRP $29.96 and $22.98). Look for the Blu-ray version to include 4 featurettes (Inspiration, Scott Cooper, Crafting the Fight Scenes, and The Music of Out of the Furnace).

Fox has also set Dragons: Defenders of Berk, Part 1 for DVD only release on 3/25.

Are any of you fans of MTV’s Jackass? For one week only, all this week, Target stores have Paramount’s new Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa Blu-ray/DVD Combo for just $10.

Millennium Entertainment has set Life of a King for Blu-ray and DVD release on 2/11.

Film Movement has set the international basketball documentary The Iran Job for DVD only release on 3/4.

Cinedigm will release Dark House for Blu-ray and DVD release on 3/11.

Also today, though it hasn’t yet been officially announced, is currently taking pre-orders on Warner’s forthcoming Blu-ray release of Her, directed by Spike Jonze.

Falling in that category too is Paramount’s Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit, directed by Kenneth Branagh, which is also now available for pre-order on

Finally, we’ll leave you today with a look at the Blu-ray cover artwork for Universal’s Continuum: Season Two (3/25), Fox’s Out of the Furnace, Paramount’s temp art for Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (TBA), Criterion’s Master of the House and Riot in Cell Block 11 (due 4/22) and Lionsgate’s Reasonable Doubt (3/18)...

Continuum: Season Two (Blu-ray Disc)    Out of the Furnace (Blu-ray Disc)    Riot in Cell Block 11 (Criterion Blu-ray Disc)

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (Blu-ray Disc)    Master of the House (Criterion Blu-ray Disc)    Reasonable Doubt (Blu-ray Disc)

Stay tuned...

- Bill Hunt