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Tuesday, 04 February 2014 15:56

12 Years a Slave announced, plus Black Stallion & Blazing Saddles: 40th Anniversary Edition


All right, we’ve got a couple things for you today...

First up, our own Todd Doogan has just turned in a review of Fox’s recent The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition on Blu-ray 3D Combo. He details some of the differences between the theatrical cut and extended edition, and also talks 2D/3D image quality, etc. Do check it out, and watch for more reviews over the next week or so.  [Read on here...]

Now then, the big bit of announcement news today is that Fox has set 12 Years a Slave for Blu-ray Combo and DVD release on 3/4. The Blu-ray will include an exclusive documentary, A Historical Portrait. Both versions will offer a pair of documentary featurettes as well (The Team and The Score).

Meanwhile, on the catalog front, Warner Home Video has set a Blazing Saddles: 40th Anniversary Edition for release on Blu-ray on 5/6 (SRP $24.95). The set will include the all new Blaze of Glory: Mel Brooks’ Wild, Wild West featurette, along with the following extras carried over from DVD: audio commentary by Mel Brooks, the Back in the Saddle cast/crew reunion documentary, the 1975 Black Bart TV pilot inspired by the movie, deleted scenes and the theatrical trailer. The package will also include 10 quotable art cards with quotes and images from the film. Here’s what it looks like...

Blazing Saddles: 40th Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray Disc)

Also today, MGM has set The Black Stallion for Blu-ray release on 3/18.

Finally today, as many of you know, whenever you guys purchase discs or really anything from after clicking through our links, we get a small affiliate percentage that really helps support our work here at The Bits. But a number of you international readers don’t use, but rather your local Amazon –, .de, .fr, etc. And you’ve asked us for purchase links you can use to help support our work here at The Bits too. Well, we’ve finally got them for you. On the home page, up there on the top of the right-hand sidebar, we’ve now got clickable links for Amazon’s online shops in the U.S, Canada, U.K., France, Germany, Spain and Japan, as well as our affiliate link to the Warner Archive/WB Shop and, for you fans of lossless audio, HD Tracks as well!  A portion of anything you purchase in the same session after you click though those links will go to help support The Bits and we really do appreciate it! It make a huge difference for us, so thank you for doing so.

We’ll leave you with a closer look at the BD art for Warner’s Blazing Saddles: 40th Anniversary Edition, as well as the final art for Fox’s 12 Years a Slave and MGM’s The Black Stallion...

Blazing Saddles: 40th Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray Disc)    12 Years a Slave (final Blu-ray Disc)    The Black Stallion (Blu-ray Disc)

Back tomorrow with more. Stay tuned...

- Bill Hunt