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Wednesday, 03 February 2016 17:24

In the Heart of the Sea BD due on 3/8, plus Trumbo, Key Largo, Ghost in the Shell: New Movie & more


[Editor’s Note: Be sure to follow us on Twitter @thedigitalbits @BillHuntBits and on Facebook here and here.]

We’re starting today here at The Bits with two more new Blu-ray reviews, featuring Tim’s thoughts on Richard Elfman’s Forbidden Zone: Ultimate Edition, available from MVD, and Jim Hemphill’s look at Joseph Newman’s 1958 western Fort Massacre, available on Blu from Kino Lorber. Do give them a look.  [Read on here…]

In announcement news today, Universal has set Ron Howard’s In the Heart of the Sea for Blu-ray 3D Combo, Blu-ray Combo, and DVD release on 3/8. Extras will include deleted and extended scenes, the multi-part Ron Howard: Captain’s Log feature (includes Intro, Location Scout, First Day of Filming, Into the Tank, Controlled Chaos, Out to Sea, Getting in Ship Shape, Production Wrap, Editorial and Score, and Journey’s End), and 5 additional featurettes (Whale Tales: Melville’s Untold Story, The Hard Life of a Whaler, Chase & Pollard: A Man of Means and A Man of Courage, Lightning Strikes Twice: The Real-Life Sequel to Moby Dick, and Commanding the Heart of the Sea). Both Blu-ray versions will include Dolby Atmos audio.

Universal has also set Tom Hooper’s The Danish Girl for Blu-ray and DVD release on 3/1, including The Making of The Danish Girl featurette.

And Universal has set Jay Roach’s Trumbo for Blu-ray and DVD release on 2/16, featuring 2 featurettes (Who is Trumbo? and Bryan Cranston Becomes Trumbo).

Spike Lee’s Chi-Raq is now available on Blu-ray from Lionsgate - it streeted on 1/26. is now taking pre-orders on Charlie Kaufman’s stop-motion animated Anomalisa, coming on Blu-ray and DVD from Paramount, though no street date is yet listed.

Fox Searchlight’s Brooklyn has been set for Blu-ray and DVD release on 6/28 from Mongrel Media in Canada, but we don’t yet have a U.S. street date. Presumably it will be released by Fox Home Entertainment, but it’s not yet been solicited to retail.

The Warner Archive will release Key Largo on Blu-ray on 2/23.

Finally, Funimation has set Ghost in the Shell: The New Movie for Blu-ray and DVD release on 4/5. The Blu-ray will include Inside the World of Ghost in the Shell Part 2, Special: Arise Explained in 25 Minutes (Extended Director’s Cut), Special: 25 Years Reviewed in 25 Minutes (Extended Director’s Cut), a promo video, and theatrical teasers and trailers.

Here’s a look at a whole bunch of new Blu-ray cover artwork for some of the titles mentioned above and more...

In the Heart of the Sea (Blu-ray 3D)    In the Heart of the Sea (Blu-ray Disc)    Anomalisa (Blu-ray Disc)

Chi-Raq (Blu-ray Disc)    Key Largo (Blu-ray Disc)    Strange Brew (Blu-ray Disc)

Stay tuned...

Bill Hunt (@BillHuntBits)