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Tuesday, 02 December 2014 14:25

Doogan’s Queue for December 2, 2014


I’m still full from Thanksgiving, boy howdy. My Mom cooks up a mean Turkey.

Welcome to the last month of 2014. Christmas is coming fast, and with it a new year. Jeez, this year swam on by. I guess the older you get, the quicker time progresses. I remember being a kid and feeling like it took forever to get through a year. Now, it seems like yesterday I was at Comic-Con. Oh well. Enough about that – let’s look at another light week. But one filled with one major, huge thing that I want – for no good reason.  [Read on here…]

Stanley Kubrick: The Masterpiece Collection – 200 bucks for another release of Lolita, Dr. Strangelove, 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, Barry Lyndon, The Shining, Full Metal Jacket and Eyes Wide Shut seems a bit much, but maybe not. This set includes a new 78 page hardcover of archival images and two new documentaries: Kubrick Remembered and Stanley Kubrick in Focus, as well as the three previous documentaries from previous releases: Once Upon a Time… A Clockwork Orange, Stanley Kubrick: A Life in Pictures, and O Lucky Malcolm! You should be able to find this floating in the 140 dollar range online, so it’s not too bad for a collection of eight definitive masterpieces.

Stanley Kubrick Collection

As Above/So Below – A young alchemist searches for the philosopher’s stone in the Paris (France) catacombs with a team of friends and guides only to find ... something else. I guess. Looks too claustrophobic for me. Apparently this was shot on location inside the Paris catacombs – so, if you’ve ever been curious to see them but never wanted to go yourself; here’s your chance.

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (Blu-ray Disc)The Congress – Ari Folman, who gave us Waltz with Bashir, brings us this live-action/animation hybrid focusing on Robin Wright (or a version of her) who sells the rights to her image with the caveat that she never act again – her scan to replace all future acting endeavors. This kicks off a whole level of super cool, twisty sci-fi head scratching – all worth the trip. Based on this and Bashir, I for one, look forward to Folman’s threat of making Jodorowsky’s vision of Dune come to life.

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes – A great sequel, a fine film and a good reason to look forward to more of these reinvigorated Apes movies.

Kite – A live action adaptation of a hella-violent anime. It’s about a young teenaged super assassin girl (of course it is). I haven’t seen this iteration, but it looks interesting. It’s probably not though.

The Hundred Foot Journey – Lasse Hallström directs and Helen Mirren stars in this story about two feuding restaurants in London. But I bet you it has more to do about the perceived divide between cultures and generations. Can all differences be set aside when you realize that passion can cross that difference? I’m guessing with EPs Spielberg and Oprah the answer is yes.

The Quatermass Xperiment aka The Creeping Unknown – This is a decent 1950s Hammer sci-fi flick directed by Hammer mainstay Val Guest coming out from Kino Blu-ray (upgrading a DVD-R release from MGM). I’m excited by that. Aren’t you?


TV Releases of Note:

The Simpsons: Season 17 (Blu-ray Disc)Broad City: Season 1 – This is a quirky and weird comedy series that has grown on me. It’s about these two hipster girls living in New York, and damnit, it’s really funny. It’s also crass as hell. But it’s funny. The new season comes to Comedy Central in January.

Devilman: The Complete TV Series – I’m super excited by this and had no idea it was coming out until I put this list together. Bill? [Editor’s Note: Wow, I had no idea it was coming out either.]

Justified: Season 5 – Some say this is one of the best shows on TV, but really, it’s only because it’s about two of the best characters on TV – the show itself has been kinda hit or miss. The show ends this next season and that’s a bummer.

The Simpsons: Season 17 – What can I say – this is a must own for fans of the show.

The Strain: Season 1 – This one was hard to really get into having read the books, but I have to say, it got really good towards the end and has me happily waiting for the new season.

Next week is Guardians of the Galaxy, which means, there are maybe 6 or 7 other worthwhile titles. I’ll tell you about them then, but don’t expect much. Until then keep spinnin’ those discs.

– Todd Doogan