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Tuesday, 04 November 2014 15:21

Doogan’s Queue for November 4, 2014


The third most notable is Maleficent, which I haven’t seen but want to. So if you have a UV code, send it along to Bill and he’ll get it to me. Wink wink.

Also worth noting is the Looney Tunes: Platinum Edition 3 streets this week, as does the Sopranos: Complete Series on Blu-ray. Check out our Release Dates & Art section for more stuff coming to you.

Ending the week, in honor of the two speed bumps the space exploration industry took, both private and commercial, let’s do a List-O-Mantic for my Ten Favorite Space Exploration Films – this time with some commentary:

10. Gravity – I didn’t love this film, but I appreciated it enough that, for the genre, it impacted me. I doubt it’ll survive the test of time though.

9. Dark Star – I try and put a John Carpenter film on every list I make. This time, it’s Dark Star.

8. Apollo 13 – This is just a fun film. Not a great film, but fun as hell.

7. Silent Running – thought provoking, full of incredible effects and one of Bruce Dern’s spotlight performances.

6. Moon – Not truly an exploration film – but for the Sam Rockwell performance alone, it makes my list.

5. Starship Troopers – I just like this movie. It’s dumb, but really well-done.

4. Wall-E – Who doesn’t love Wall-E.

3. The Right Stuff – Here simply for the Mercury 2 sequence.

2. Alien/Aliens – These two films complete me.

1. 2001: A Space Odyssey – Nothing but joy for me when I watch this film. I never understood people who think it’s slow or too meandering. 2001 is my jam.

See you next week! Keep spinnin’ those discs.

– Todd Doogan


(Artwork by Scott Listfield)