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Tuesday, 17 June 2014 12:05

Doogan’s Queue for June 17, 2014


Week three of June 2014 is dominated by one movie, so we’re going to kick off the week with that movie.

Can you guess what movie that movie is? It’s... [Read on here…]

The Lego Movie (Blu-ray Disc)

The Lego Movie – How much product placement is too much product placement? I guess it doesn’t matter of it’s surrounded by a good fun story and great characters and voice work. The Lego Movie should become one of the highest grossing Blu-ray releases ever this week, so break out your pocket wallets and throw down your cash because Warner Bros. wants it and you want to give it.

Ernest and Celestine – If you like your animated movie more subtle as less full of toys and noise, Ernest and Celestine is here to help you out with that. This French films based on the classic Belgium kid’s book series features an English redub starring some big names: Forest Whitaker, Mackenzie Foy, Lauren Bacall, Paul Giamatti, William H. Macy, Megan Mullally, Nick Offerman, and Jeffrey Wright. If that’s not enough to grab you, it’s got a list of award nominations and wins a bear’s arm’s length. That’s pretty long mind you and not just me having fun with one of the animal characters in the film.

Grand Budapest Hotel – Wes Anderson’s newest film is another must-own this week. I haven’t seen it yet because I am getting old and hate movie theaters, but I can’t want to pick it up. Yes I’m buying it sight unseen. I’m a director whore and I love me some Anderson.

House of Cards: Season Two – If you don’t have Netflix now you can watch a fantabulous season of television that with have you screaming “oh no he din’it!”

The Grand Budapest Hotel (Blu-ray Disc)Joe – Man this list is full of not a single bad thing this week. Nick Cage in a David Gordon Green film - uhm, yes please!

13 Sins – Okay, so I have no idea what this one is or what it’s about - but it looks kinda neat. It’s a remake of a Thai film and features a guy doing so reprehensible things thinking he’s on a game show. It’s on my list of what to watch this week, so let’s have a party with it and all rent it.

Walk of Shame – Elizabeth Banks plays a news reporter on the cusp of breaking out who has a one-night-stand the night before a big interview and After Hours happens to her as she tries to get home. Looks funny. I love Banks, so I’m hopefully it’s worthy of my list.

Picnic at Hanging Rock & Judex (Criterion releases) – The bigger news than these two films coming to homes is that Criterion has decided to forgo the dual format packaging and go back to individual Blu-ray and DVD releases. They say it comes for customer request due to storage issues (some people didn’t wants a DVD/Blu-ray if they had the opposite player) but that’s an odd thing to feed. It’s their call, so more power to them, but it’s a bad one if you ask me.

So that’s that. I hope you all enjoy The Lego Movie and Grand Budapest Hotel in your homes. I know I will.

I’m, not teasing next week, so you can click through to your next article. But when you’re done, keep spinnin’ those discs.

– Todd Doogan