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Tuesday, 10 June 2014 12:34

Doogan’s Queue for June 10, 2014


Lots of good stuff this week to watch if you’re finished up with the thirteen and a half hour Orange Is The New Black: Season Two weekend marathon. Suzanne got stone cold this year, didn’t she. Crazy Eyes no more – Deadly Eyes is more like it. [Read on here…]

Cosmos: A Space-Time Odyssey (Blu-ray Disc)

Adult World – Emma Roberts, John Cusack, and the only real reason to rewatch X-Men: DOFP, Evan Peters all-star in this story about a young poet willing to do just about anything to get her mentor to notice her.

Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey – Neil de Grasse Tyson has become the scientist of our time – a Carl Sagan for our current generation(s) (be you X, Y or Millennial) and this event series showcased that fact fully. Our resident space nut Bill will most likely review this set to the fullest, so what the front page.

All That Heaven Allows and L’Eclisse (Criterion Collection Dual Format Re-releases) – Douglas Sirk’s New England widow in love story and Michelangelo Antonioni’s Old Woman in love with a younger douche story get the Blu-ray upgrade treatment from Criterion. If you don’t own them on DVD already - add ‘em to your library. If you do – upgrade.

Tim's Vermeer (Blu-ray Disc)Devil’s Knot – Atom Egoyan’s tackles the Memphis Three story and from all word of mouth, fails miserably. This is a story that’s waaaaaaay to complicated to capture as a drama and will live long through a series of high-caliber documentaries – all worth checking out. Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills, Paradise Lost 2: Revelations and Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory – all directed by Joe Berlinger and Bruce Sinofsky – and West of Memphis, directed and written by Amy J. Berg (and produced by Peter and Fran Jackson) are all worth your time.

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit – Jack Ryan isn’t necessarily the kind of character that needs a square one reboot – and that’s what this is. For what it is, it’s a fun adventure story, not necessarily fitting Jack, but we’ll take it. Until they reboot him again.

Non-StopTaken on a Plane. Nothing wrong with that sentence.

True Detective: Season One (Blu-ray Disc)Tim’s Vermeer – If you’re going to watch one movie on this list this week, make it this one. I’ll give you the same benefit I had going it – know nothing when you press play; because your world will open up wide when you press eject. This is a great effin’ movie.

True Detective: Season One – In theory, this is the best TV show aired last year. It sorta ended odd, but it ended correct. I personally loved this thing, and if you haven’t seen it, jump in and check it out. Season Two is in pre-production and follows a new set of actors in a new story. The world is alive with potential for this series – we can only hope for some mythology overlap.

Visitors – From Godfrey Reggio the director of the documentary series/Philip Glass Music videos Koyaanisqatsi, Powaqqatsi and Naqoyqatsi comes a 4K black and white epic of human emotion. I haven’t seen it yet, but it’s high on my list this week.

And that’s another one. Next week sees a huge release that everyone seems to be stepping out of the way for, but there is still some good stuff coming. Come back and check it out. Until then,

Keep spinnin’ those discs.

– Todd Doogan