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Tuesday, 03 June 2014 17:00

Doogan’s Queue for June 3, 2014


It’s June, 2014. Geez time is flying bye. Soon it’ll be time for Comic-Con and all that walking and spending. So much walking and spending. In this time of resting and saving, I present to you some Blus to while the time away with. Sorry for my absence last week, but life got in the way. This week sees some classics getting remastered and a few blockbuster new releases. More a fan of the classics in this week’s list myself, but to each his own, right? [Read on here…]

Lone Survivor (Blu-ray Disc)Alexander: The Ultimate Cut – Oliver Stone just can’t keep his hands off this film. Maybe this time will be the charm? Let us all hope, or else we’ll be seeing Alexander: The Definitive Ultimate Cut in 10 years.

In The Blood – God bless Gina Carano. All she wanted was an idyllic honeymoon in the Dominican Republic – what she gets is a missing husband, a treacherous step-father and an organized organ theft mafia coming at her. Didn’t anyone tell them not to mess with hot chicks with broad shoulders. Too bad, because ass kickings abound.

Lone Survivor – Mark Wahlberg stars in a movie based on a true story, and spoiler alert – the title gives everything away. Good move Hollywood.

The Outsiders (Blu-ray Disc)The Man With No Name Trilogy (Remastered) – This set includes the new 4k transfer of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly that turns everything teal. Lots of chatter on the forums. I reserve judgment for when I see it, because it’s one of my favorite films EVER! Fistful and For A Few apparently are the previously released Blu-ray transfer already available. 

The Motel Life – Based on the novel by Richmond Fontaine’s front man Willy Vlautin, Motel Life follows to ne’er-do-well brothers from Nevada who have an affinity for running away from their problems. Most of the film surrounds an accident and how they try and settle up. Stars Emile Hirsch, Stephen Dorff, and Dakota Fanning.

The Nutty Professor: 50th Anniversary Edition – A true classic gets the anniversary Blu-ray treatment with a boatload of extras, remastered image and audio, script, book and a bonus CD of prank calls by Jerry Lewis. 

The Outsiders: The Complete Novel – Originally completed in 2005, Coppola added in 20 plus minutes of scenes into the original film to hew closer to S.E. Hinton’s original book. This Blu-ray includes just the new cut (so no theatrical cut), intro and commentary by Coppola, commentary with Matt Dillon, C. Thomas Howell, Diane Lane, Rob Lowe, Ralph Macchio and Patrick Swayze, featurette, behind the scenes with Hinton, casting video, excepts from the book read by the cast and trailer. This is a great film, and I can’t wait to check this version out.

Ravenous (Blu-ray Disc)Ravenous – This is a tremendously surprisingly good film and the original DVD was phenomenal , so if this is an upgrade of that, this is a must have. Even if it’s just a remaster of the film, I’d say get it anyway.

Robocop (2014) – I haven’t seen this one yet and as a fan of the original, I can’t imagine it’s very good from what I read; but it’s certainly a rental, so we’ll see.

Next week is going to be huge in terms of great titles. A science based FOX show gets a Blu-ray release, a couple of library Criterion upgrades, a cult HBO series, and incredible documentary by Penn and Teller, Taken on a plane and Tom Clancy get rebooted. Plus other stuff! Come back and see.

Keep spin, spin, spinnin’ those discs my friends.

– Todd Doogan