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Monday, 28 April 2014 13:47

Doogan’s Queue for the week of April 29, 2014


If you’ve been following my Queues this month, you know I’m not a big fan of how light this month’s been in terms of awesome titles. A few big’uns snuck through, but not enough. Well, this week’s no better, but at least it’s closing out. Welcome to the last entry of the month of April, 2014. Yee-haw. So without further noise, let’s get this ball down the hill. [Read on here…]

Betty Boop: Volume 3 (Blu-ray Disc)Bad Country – an all-star cast (Neal McDonough, Amy Smart, Willem Dafoe, Matt Dillon, Tom Berenger, and Bill Duke) makes this one pop up on the radar, but I have no idea if it’s any good. Looks to be based on a true story from the 1980s (true or not, no clue) about a cop joining forces with a hitman to try and take down a Southern fried crime ring. Sounds like an southern based action version of American Hustle with better wigs.

Betty Boop: The Essential Collection - Volume 3 – a new collection of Betty Boop cartoons featuring packaging designed by Shane Glines – count me in. Shane upgraded the previous two volumes which are also available. Wanna be a member? I do.

Devil’s Due – the most memorable thing about this film (for me at least) is the fun viral video that promoted it (see it here). Outside of that, this is just the young-couple-gets-preggers-baby-is-a-monster-let’s-shoot-it-found-footage-style type of film. The pedigree of V/H/S alums director’s Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett being involved forces me to drop it on my watch list, but I don’t expect to enjoy it much.

Escape from Tomorrow (DVD – BD exclusive to Best Buy stores) – So, this one looks promising. A guy named Randy Moore decided to shoot a film guerilla-style while on vacation inside Walt Disney World. And it sees the light of day. I’ve purposely kept myself spoiler-free, so I know next to nothing about this film – so, this is where I’ll be this evening.

gamerav1brdGamera Legacy Collection 1965-1999 (DVD Only) / Gamera: Ultimate Collection Volumes 1 and 2 (Blu-ray) – If you’re a Godzilla fan, you’re a Gamera fan. And if you’re a Gamera fan, you’re eagerly waiting for these Blu-rays.               

Gimme Shelter – I haven’t bought Vanessa Hudgens as a serious actress yet. Based on the review of this film, I’m guessing neither has many other folks. This one is about a wrong side of the tracks girl who keeps getting served crap sandwich after crap sandwich and yet, keeps never breaking down. Obviously meant to showcase her abilities as a serious actress. Shrug.

Godzilla: The Complete Animated Series – So, this is NOT the Hanna-Barbera joint. This is the continued animated adventures of the Dean Devlin/Roland Emmerich Godzilla – or actually Dr. Nick Tatopoulos. Nick’s got a pet Godzilla and he’s super cool. Together they fight ecological battles. Went for two seasons, about forty episodes or so. It’s okay, but not awesome.

Labor Day – Hollywood really ran with this holiday as a film thing didn’t they? Kate Winslet and Josh Brolin star as lovers with dark pasts and a complicated love affair. When is a love affair ever not complicated?

The Legend of Hercules – This is a big title, but I could care less. Overly 300-ish take on the demi-god and his labors. Again – couldn’t care less if you paid me. Will I watch it? Of course.

Star Trek: Enterprise - Season Four (Blu-ray Disc)Sophie’s Choice – Alan J. Pakula’s masterpiece starring Meryl Streep in one of her Oscar winning turns. It’s a tough film, but really good. If you haven’t seen it, now you can with this Blu-ray. Certainly not date night fodder, but a must watch for all cinephiles.

Star Trek Enterprise: The Complete Fourth Season and the Star Trek Enterprise: The Complete Series – In terms of the Fourth Season, Bill says it all in his review here. Paramount is also releasing a complete box as well if you held out.

Thank God that’s over with, huh? Next month brings Veronica Mars the movie, Art of the Steal, Her, I, Frankenstein, That Awkward Moment, Three Days To Kill, Pompeii, Monument Men, Gambit, and Journey To The West to name a few. See, every cloud something something.

I know you probably get tired of me saying this, but seriously – love us with pre-orders through our links. It’s good for you, it’s good for us – everyone wins. Just click the titles here or in our Release Dates & Artwork section and make your purchases. I’m not going to shut up about it, so stop asking.

Love you. Bye.

Keep spinning those discs…

– Todd Doogan