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Wednesday, 17 August 2016 12:00

Pick-Ups for the Week of August 15, 2016


Welcome to a new edition of Pick-Ups!

Back this week some more reviews. Nothing new to report personally. I would like to note that I’ll be out of town for a couple of weeks in September, so don’t expect a column or reviews much from me around that time. Until then, I’m catching up on a ton of reviews (as is Bill), and I’m preparing myself for some upcoming events here at The Bits for October and November.

More on that when we get closer to that timeframe.  [Read on here…]

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Now let’s get to it, shall we? This week I’ll be checking out three new titles, two from Synapse Films and one from Scream Factory. As usual, we’ll be rolling each review out one at a time all week, so be sure to check back for new ones.

Click on the links below to check them all out:

While you’re at it, if you see something you like, why don’t you purchase it through the Amazon links that we’ve provided in each review? A portion of anything that you order from Amazon after clicking through to them from our links goes to help support our work here at The Bits, and we really do appreciate your support.

Also, for anyone who listens to my Podcast Salmonella show, I’m changing the format of it and doing something radically different with it. Previously, I would get myself and various guests on to chat about movies, music, and comic books, but I’m a little bored with the results and I thought I’d do an experiment with it and see how it turns out. Hopefully it will be done soon. I still might do a regular show occasionally, and you can still check out the older shows on both YouTube and Soundcloud.

That’s all from me for this week, so see you next time and enjoy the reviews!

- Tim Salmons