Items filtered by date: July 2016
Pick-Ups for the Week of August 22, 2016
Welcome to a new edition of Pick-Ups!
This week I managed to catch a screening of Rifftrax Live! Mothra, which was a lot of fun and well-worth your time if you want to see the encore showing Tuesday. I also had a birthday this past Saturday, so I got stay home, eat lots of food, lay in bed all day, and watch movies with my gal. To say the least, it was a pleasant day, but more like a relaxing and fun day. It’s funny how when you start getting older you want to do nothing more than to kick back and do nothing as much as you can... that or I’m just getting lazier.
On a related subject, I just wanted to quickly apologize for not getting a third review up last week. I had one in the works, but due to many real life activities getting in the way, I wasn’t able to meet my Friday deadline. It’s a title that you’ll definitely sometime down the road, that’s for sure.
Anyways, let’s move on to some reviews. [Read on here…]
Pick-Ups for the Week of August 15, 2016
Welcome to a new edition of Pick-Ups!
Back this week some more reviews. Nothing new to report personally. I would like to note that I’ll be out of town for a couple of weeks in September, so don’t expect a column or reviews much from me around that time. Until then, I’m catching up on a ton of reviews (as is Bill), and I’m preparing myself for some upcoming events here at The Bits for October and November.
More on that when we get closer to that timeframe. [Read on here…]
Pick-Ups for the Week of August 8, 2016
Welcome to a new edition of Pick-Ups!
Well, like many of you, I checked out Suicide Squad this past weekend, and also like many of you, I just didn’t care for it all that much. I won’t go into any major details about it because it’s still pretty fresh and I don’t want to spoil anything for those who still want to see it, but I’m sure many of you already know many of the ins and outs of why certain folks didn’t like it. On the flipside, I also managed to see Star Trek Beyond as well, and I was a bit floored on that one. It’s easily the best of the new Treks, as well as the most solid film in that new franchise. It felt like they were done making the references and trying to copy what had come before and decided to tell a new story with the new cast for a change, which is what the major misstep of Into Darkness was, in my opinion. It’s not a flawless movie, but it was damned entertaining and very well made. Try to see that one in the theaters if you can before it’s gone. It’s worth the cash. [Read on here…]